Field Day at Glyndale

Glyndale’s Field Day will be held on Thursday April 1st and Friday April 2nd. 


The schedule for Field Day will be:


Thursday, April 1:


Pre-K 8:20 - 9:00


Kindergarten 9:15-10:25


First Grade 10:40-11:50


Second Grade 12:50-2:00

Friday, April 2:

Third Grade 8:30-9:45


Fourth Grade 10:00-11:15


Fifth Grade 12:30-1:45

***Only Parents and Guardians will be allowed to attend Field Day.  There will be a designated viewing area set up for this event.



All Visitors will be REQUIRED to wear a Mask.



Glyndale Field Day 

Parent Guidelines 


  1. Parents attend at their own risk of possible exposure to COVID 19. 
  2. Parents will enter the field area on the gym side of the campus.
  3. A designated viewing area will be distinctly marked. Parents are not allowed outside of this marked area while on the field. 
  4. Parents are attending as observers and will not be able to have contact with their child(ren) at any time during the field day activities. 
  5. Social distancing is an expectation to the best of a person’s ability based upon CDC recommendations. 
  6. A hand sanitizing station will be available for parent use during this event. 
  7. Chairs are allowable for parents to bring and watch events within the viewing area. However, tents will not be permitted due to space limitations. 
  8. Restroom access will be available through the main entrance to the building. There will be signs to guide parents to this restroom. Parents are not able to walk into the building any further than this restroom area. 
  9. If a parent has field day items/materials for his/her child, the parent must bring it to the main office. Office staff will make sure the child gets the items/materials needed. 
  10. Parking- Parents may park in one of the two parking lots available at Glyndale. Avoid parking on the grass if possible. Parking on the cafeteria side of the building is prohibited

11. If a parent is unable to abide by these guidelines, he/she will respectfully and kindly be asked to leave the premises.