Academic Data
What is AYP? AYP is one of the cornerstones of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). It is an annual measure of student participation and achievement of statewide assessments and other academic indicators. Accountability is key to NCLB - the State of Georgia, each local school district, and each individual school will be held accountable for the academic success of students. The federal law requires that each State set high academic standards and implement an extensive student testing program which is aligned with standards and which measures students' achievement based on the standards. AYP requires schools to meet standards in three areas: Test Participation (for both Mathematics and Reading/English Language Arts), Academic Performance (for both Mathematics and Reading/English Language Arts), and a Second Indicator. AYP holds each local school district and each individual school accountable for the academic success of students. AYP comprises one component of Georgia's Single Statewide Accountability System (SSAS).
-The Georgia Department of Education, Frequently Asked Questions about AYP